Charlie Carter

Portfolio & Blog

About Charlie!

Hi! My name is Sean Carter (but I usually go by Charlie) and this is my blog! I’m a research analyst working in criminal justice reform. I’m passionate about many things, but most for researching and implementing evidence based practices to improve our government and our world.

Over the years, I’ve found that many projects that I work on on my own eventually get “lost to the void”. I wanted to have a place where I could put anything interseting that I do so I can refer back to it later and share it with other people. This is basically the home of all of my projects going forward. Anything I share here, I’ll try to point out difficulties I ran into and solutions I came up with, so that hopefully you won’t have to do the same amount of googling that I did!

If you want to reach out to me, you can send me an email at

My resume can be downloaded here

About this blog/portfolio

This site is hosted on github pages. It was built using a static page generator called Hugo. The whole process was very easy and painless - if you have projects or work you’d like to showcase, I’d highly recommend going this route.